NSDJ-29 Chapter 1 B Super Brain – Audio

“SUPER BRAIN: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life” is a bestselling book by author and functional medicine clinician Dr. Jay Sordean.  Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW,

Dr Jay on Wichita TV

Dr Jay on Wichita TV

talking about (1) what you can do to not only prevent Alzheimer’s, (2) how to protect your head from concussions and injury, and (3) how to enhance and maximize your brain and body health. This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

Super Brain Chapter 1 Part B

In this segment, the second part of Chapter 1 is read. Discussions include how and why written language was invented, why we communicate with others, why we should communicate more effectively with others, and why we should pass on our experiential Super Brain knowledge to family, friends and community. Use of NLP and BANK code card systems are introduced to improve intimacy and efficacy in communication with others.

Super Brain -The Book
Super Brain -The Book

This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.

To order these bestselling books go to:
http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com   and   http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com  Or go directly and buy at Amazon: Super Brainhttps://www.createspace.com/5585723 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFOP926   Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic https://www.createspace.com/5585869  and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFS5PBC

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

To learn more about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to boost your brain power, go to http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/alzheimers-dementia-prevention/

As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world.  A leading curriculum on the subject is available to licensed professionals. The enrollment is at limited times, but if you don’t get in this time, you can reserve a spot for the future.

TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement,  Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma, CTE

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