NSDJ-16 Interview with Dorothy Kuhn

Interview of Dorothy Kuhn by Dr. Jay Sordean related to Dorothy’s experience with dementia and how she was able to overcome memory issues with the help of her doctor. Dorothy now works with others to turn around memory issues and in conjunction with her doctor when needed. Dr. Jay serendiptiously met Dorothy at a Lisa Sasevich summit in Tampa, Florida in October 2015 during a networking session. Dr. Jay was impressed by not only Dorothy’s story but by her very fancy cowboy boots – Dorothy hailing from Texas.

Dorothy Kuhn is the owner of a boutique business consultancy, serving middle market firms. She has helped companies “from struggle to excellence,” ranging from Texas Instruments to PepsiCo to middle-market firms in stock-clearing, media distribution and more. Dorothy became a published author, a leader in her Rotary Club and is on the Board of Directors of a Texas non-profit, Opening Doors International Services.

Dorothy Kuhn shares her experience with dementia and recovery from it using natural approaches. Her website is www.LiveDementiaFree.com

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:

http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com   and   http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/chapel

To learn more about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to boost your brain power, go to http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/alzheimers-dementia-prevention/

TAGS: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Dorothy Kuhn, Dr. Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program