NSDJ-56 Avoid Sugar: Chapter 7 – Outsmarting Dementia

Avoid Sugar : Chapter 7

“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is Avoid Sugar. In this segment he is talking  avoiding sugar, diabetes, and inflammation. Dementia Coma: Similar?Also, how to determine is blood sugar is an issue in your life. 

This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

Avoid Sugar
Super Brain -The Book

This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.


Avoid Sugar

To order these bestselling books go to:
http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com and http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com Or go directly and buy at Amazon: Super Brain: https://www.createspace.com/5585723 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFOP926 Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic https://www.createspace.com/5585869 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFS5PBC

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

To learn more about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to boost your brain power, go to http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/alzheimers-dementia-prevention/

Dementia Epidemic and How to Combat it

As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. A leading curriculum on the subject is available to licensed professionals. The enrollment is at limited times, but if you don’t get in this time, you can reserve a spot for the future.

TAGS: Blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, inflammation, white sugar, neurotoxicity, brain degeneration,Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma,


NSDJ-54 B.R.A.I.N.S. and Blood: Chapters 4 and 5: Outsmarting Dementia the book

B.R.A.I.N.S. and Blood: Chapters 4 and 5 — Outsmarting Dementia

The book, “Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. In this segment he is talking about the B.R.A.I.N.S. and Blood — the BRAINS formula and Blood circulation.

The question he addresses in Chapters 4 and 5 are what are the key factors you must avoid to prevent Alzheimer’s. This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

Super Brain -The Book
Super Brain -The Book
This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”– a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.


To order these bestselling books go to:
http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com and http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com Or go directly and buy at Amazon: Super Brain: https://www.createspace.com/5585723 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFOP926 Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic https://www.createspace.com/5585869 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFS5PBC

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

To learn more about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to boost your brain power, go to http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/alzheimers-dementia-prevention/

Dementia Epidemic and How to Combat it

As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. A leading curriculum on the subject is available to licensed professionals. The enrollment is at limited times, but if you don’t get in this time, you can reserve a spot for the future.

TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma, CTE

NSDJ-55 Remove Toxicity – Chapter 6: Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic

Remove Toxicity: Chapter 6

“Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic: 7 Key Memory Care Actions to Successfully Avoid Alzheimer’s and Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp, and Sexy into the Future” is a bestselling book by Dr. Jay Sordean. Dr. Jay has been invited to appear as a medical expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and CW. The key here is Remove Toxicity from your body and life style. In this segment he is talking removing toxins and brain degeneration from toxicityDementia Coma: Similar?.  Also, how to prevent exposure to toxicity. 

This book, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:…. is the expanded basis for his TV segments. Dr. Jay provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and his extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

This book is the basis for his TV segments and provides timely and scientifically accurate actions you can, AND MUST, TAKE to preserve your health and brain. Numerous interviews in this podcast, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay, were used to write the book — in addition to Dr. Jay’s decades of clinical experience and extensive study in the fields of Western, Eastern, Oriental, and functional medicine.

Remove toxicity
Super Brain -The Book

This book is also basic reading to participate in Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program”— a rare, comprehensive approach to Maximizing Your Brain Health into the Future.


Remove Toxicity

To order these bestselling books go to:
http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com and http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com Or go directly and buy at Amazon: Super Brain: https://www.createspace.com/5585723 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFOP926 Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic https://www.createspace.com/5585869 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFS5PBC

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

To learn more about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to boost your brain power, go to http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/alzheimers-dementia-prevention/

Dementia Epidemic and How to Combat it

As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, Dr. Jay has studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. A leading curriculum on the subject is available to licensed professionals. The enrollment is at limited times, but if you don’t get in this time, you can reserve a spot for the future.

TAGS: NRCT, Toxicity, neurotoxicity, brain degeneration, neurotoxins, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, NLP, BANK CODE, diabetes, Type III diabetes, Brain Trauma, CTE

NSDJ-53 Michael Anne Conley LMFT Interview

Michael Anne Conley LMFT Interview

Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME, CTN intereviews Michael Anne Conley about the 40 years they have been involved in functional and natural medicine. They discuss their personal journeys as well as the journey of natural medical approaches over the last half century and century in a brief manner.

Michael Anne ConleyMichael Anne Conley helps busy women unwind their anxiety and tame their overwhelm. She’s a speaker, private consultant and licensed therapist witha master’s degree in holistic health education.

Over the last 32 years she’s guided clients and their loved ones who struggle with addiction find their empowerment in recovery. Her expertise led her to develop the Habits Into Health system to help women in all walks of life create healthy habits that keep them calm, confident and free.

Michael Anne’s book, Do YOU HAVE a habit ~ Or does your habit HAVE YOU offers options for success. She also shares a part of her own story and useful tips for self-care in the new anthology, Come Out of Hiding And SHINE!

In addition, Michael Anne is the founder and director of Stillpoint Center for Health, Well-Being and Renewal, where holistic practitioners offer services in the San Francisco Bay Area.

To find out more about Michael Anne Conley, visit www.habitsintohealth.com or http://facebook.com/habits.into.health. Check out Awaken to Inner Peace: A New Solution For Your Old Habit. This free audio recording guides you to unwinding the pressure, letting go of the worry and stepping away from the stress that is blocking your way. http://www.habitsintohealth.com/peace/

To book Michael Anne to speak at your conference or group, or to apply for a complimentary breakthrough session, go to www.habitsintohealth.com/contact

Dr. Jay’s books to help you save your brain can be obtained here:



To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:

http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com   and   http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

Some people ask about how we put this blog together and our hosting site.  Learning about and setting up your blog and podcast can be achieved by subscribing to the following programs: Tabletpodcasting Program http://jvz2.com/c/448469/169189 and Tablet Podcasting Coaching program http://jvz5.com/c/448469/169190   A great website server host is found here: http://www.site5.com/in.php?id=57947


Enhancing the functioning of your brain is important at any age. Integrating the conscious and unconscious parts of your brain is also known to be vital to have success, be productive, be able to focus, and to achieve goals in life with less effort.  The MIND MOVIES series of systems and tools can be very helpful in this process.  Please check out the 3 following links to get these valuable tools for your brain and life enhancement.

  1. http://www.mindmovies.com/mentaltrap/index.php?27950
  2.  http://www.mindmovies.com/mm_matrix/transform_your_life.php?27950
  3. http://www.mindmovies.com/mm4/bobproctor.php?27950

Tags: Michael Anne Conley, Jay Sordean, Functional Medicine, JFK University, Somatic Therapy, Addiction Treatment, Super Brain the book, Mind Movies

NSDJ-51 Ernest Shih Interview with Dr. Jay

Ernest Shih Interview with Dr. Jay

Ernest Shih and Dr. Jay were college students at Earlham College at the same time. Ernest started an environmental consulting firm in Hawaii which has had numerous SuperFund clean-up site contracts over the years, including analysis and clean-up work in Japan.


Ernest Shih Interview with Dr. Jay

During this interview, Dr. Jay and Ernest Shih talk about their backgrounds regarding how they got to where they are today. Ernest was a geology major focused on morphology. This later served him in starting up a consultation on how to analyze and then clean up toxic waste sites, such as the Naval bases in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and in Okinawa, Japan. An article about Shih’s company, which he sold, is found at http://archives.starbulletin.com/2002/04/11/business/index2.html

Ernest Shih’s most recent song is also featured toward the end of the podcast. He has written 4 songs so far.  He explained that he is a fairly recent to playing and writing music and feels comfortable singing about being Asian in a humourous fashion.

Ernest is a business and environmental consultant. His LinkedIn page is: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ernest-shih-95423b

Dr. Jay Sordean doing Tai Chi

Tai Chi Class 1975

Julian Harr

“Dr. Jay doing Tai Chi while visualizing a yellow canary” by master sculptor, Julian Harr

(You can purchase art by Julian Harr here.  At least go look at his visionary art work.)

Ernest Shih Discusses Toxins with Dr. Jay

Toxins can seep down deep  into the soil. Dr. Jay is surprised when Ernest says “shallow” is 15 feet, thinking that it would be more like a couple of inches. Concerns about toxins like PCBs are discussed in relationship to health.

Detoxification of your body is a key component of Dr. Jay’s protocols and programs to help avoid brain degeneration. Further information on that can be found in his books, listed below.

Dr. Jay’s books to help you save your brain can be obtained here:



To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:

http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com and http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

The video of this interview is also here, but the last 10 minutes got cut off due to technical difficulties. Link to video

<h2>How you Think Can Change Your Body<h2/>

There are many ways to program and reprogram your attitude, thoughts, behaviors, and ultimately your actions and results.  One tool I recommend is the Mind Movies technologies.  Check them out and then act; subscribe and use them daily. Quick, fun, effective, time-tested, science based.

TAGS: Ernest Shih, Dr. Jay Sordean, environmental pollution, PCBs, Super Fund Sites, Super Brain The Book, detoxification, Julian Harr, MIND MOVIES

NSDJ-50 CODE BLUE or CODE RED in the White House: Chapter 8

CODE BLUE CODE RED in the White House?  – Code Blue in the White House Chapter 8

CODE BLUE CODE RED in the White House? Which will it turn out to be in 2016?  And why is the title “CODE BLUE” and not “CODE RED” in the White House?  Explore the reasons why Dr. Jay titled this book and how that relates to American Political parties and their candidates.  This is the focus as Dr. Jay Sordean narrates Chapter 8 of his latest bestselling book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.  This chapter explains the various meanings of the terms “CODE BLUE” and “CODE RED” and how they apply to more than just hospital terms. Colors are also used for the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties.  Overall, in this book, Dr. Jay discusses the various methods that Presidents and presidential candidates use to sell themselves to the public and their colleagues.  Other politicians use these methods as well.  Actually, everyone, professional or lay-person, may use these methods at one time or another in their own lives, as selling is an intrinarchetypes behavior selling techniquessic part of being a human being.  

Dr. Jay has years of experience interacting and communicating with patients, staff, friends, family members, other businesses, and even strangers.  His experience has led him to become a Certified Trainer with BANKCODE to teach live classes on B.A.N.K. Code. Contact him for more information on this at http://www.Four-Cards.com.

Archetypes of Human Behavior

This book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections, can be purchased through links on http://www.CodeBlueInTheWhiteHouse.com There is also a companion CODE BLUE CHECKLIST you can use to analyze the sales techniques candidates are using in their speeches to you when they are trying to convince you to support them, give them money, or vote for them.  Also found at the same website.

Use this checklist for the presidential debates to focus on which techniques the candidates are using. Repetition, “No”, and B.A.N.K. codes are particularly revealing.

Dr. Jay is available to you company to consult and train in B.A.N.K. Code for improved sales and communication with customers and staff. Call him at 510-849-1176 for availability.

TAGS: Archetypes Behavior, Selling Techniques, Code Blue in the White House, Dr. Jay Sordean, BANK Code, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Republicans, Democrats, presidential debates


NSDJ-49 Achetypes Behavior Selling Techniques – Code Blue in the White House Chapter 6 & 7

Achetypes Behavior Selling Techniques – Code Blue in the White House Chapters  6 & 7

Archetypes Behavior Selling Techniques are what candidates and Presidents have to know to get votes. This is the focus as Dr. Jay Sordean narrates Chapters 6 & 7 of his latest bestselling book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.  These chapters focus on archetypes of human behavior and techniques to sell to those archetypes of behavior in the voting population.  Using those archetypes to figure out selling techniques. Knowing psychology to sell. Overall, in this book, Dr. Jay discusses the various methods that Presidents and presidential candidates use to sell themselves to the public and their colleagues.  Other politicians use these methods as well.  Actually, everyone, professional or lay-person, may use these methods at one time or another in their own lives, as selling is an intrinarchetypes behavior selling techniquessic part of being a human being.  

Dr. Jay has years of experience interacting and communicating with patients, staff, friends, family members, other businesses, and even strangers.  His experience has led him to become a Certified Trainer with BANKCODE to teach live classes on B.A.N.K. Code. Contact him for more information on this at http://www.Four-Cards.com.

Archetypes of Human Behavior

This book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections, can be purchased through links on http://www.CodeBlueInTheWhiteHouse.com There is also a companion CODE BLUE CHECKLIST you can use to analyze the sales techniques candidates are using in their speeches to you when they are trying to convince you to support them, give them money, or vote for them.  Also found at the same website.

Use this checklist for the presidential debates to focus on which techniques the candidates are using. Repetition, “No”, and B.A.N.K. codes are particularly revealing.

Dr. Jay is available to you company to consult and train in B.A.N.K. Code for improved sales and communication with customers and staff. Call him at 510-849-1176 for availability.

TAGS: Archetypes Behavior, Selling Techniques, Code Blue in the White House, Dr. Jay Sordean, BANK Code, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Republicans, Democrats, presidential debates

NSDJ-48 American Voter Psychology – Code Blue in the White House Chapter 5

American Voter Psychology – Code Blue in the White House: Chapter 5

American Voter Psychology is what the candidates and Presidents have to know to get voters. This is the focus as Dr. Jay Sordean narrates Chapter 5 of his latest bestselling book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.  This chapter focuses on the American Voter’s Psychology. Knowing psychology to sell. Overall, in this book, Dr. Jay discusses the various methods that Presidents and presidential candidates use to sell themselves to the public and their colleagues.  Other politicians use these methods as well.  Actually, everyone, professional or lay-person, may use these methods at one time or another in their own lives, as selling is an intrinCode Blue in the White Housesic part of being a human being.  This chapter focuses on past Presidents and what may have helped them to win.

Dr. Jay has years of experience interacting and communicating with patients, staff, friends, family members, other businesses, and even strangers.  His experience has led him to become a Certified Trainer with BANKCODE to teach live classes on B.A.N.K. Code. Contact him for more information on this at http://www.Four-Cards.com.

American Voter Psychology

This book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections, can be purchased through links on http://www.CodeBlueInTheWhiteHouse.com There is also a companion CODE BLUE CHECKLIST you can use to analyze the sales techniques candidates are using in their speeches to you when they are trying to convince you to support them, give them money, or vote for them.  Also found at the same website.

Use this checklist for the presidential debates to focus on which techniques the candidates are using. Repetition, “No”, and B.A.N.K. codes are particularly revealing.

Dr. Jay is available to you company to consult and train in B.A.N.K. Code for improved sales and communication with customers and staff. Call him at 510-849-1176 for availability.

TAGS: American Voter psychology, Code Blue in the White House, Dr. Jay Sordean, BANK Code, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Republicans, Democrats, presidential debates

NSDJ-47 Human Psychology – Code Blue in the White House: Chapter 4

Human Psychology – Code Blue in the White House: Chapter 4

Human Psychology  101 — What the candidates and Presidents know and use on you, Mr. and Mrs. and Ms voter.  This is focus as Dr. Jay Sordean narrates Chapter 4 of his latest bestselling book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.  This chapter focuses on the deeper human psychology of survival responses. Overall, in this book, Dr. Jay discusses the various methods that Presidents and presidential candidates use to sell themselves to the public and their colleagues.  Other politicians use these methods as well.  Actually, everyone, professional or lay-person, may use these methods at one time or another in their own lives, as selling is an intrinsic part of being a human being.  This chapter focuses on past Presidents and what may have helped them to win.

Code Blue in the White HouseDr. Jay has years of experience interacting and communicating with patients, staff, friends, family members, other businesses, and even strangers.  His experience has led him to become a Certified Trainer with BANKCODE to teach live classes on B.A.N.K. Code. Contact him for more information on this at http://www.Four-Cards.com.

Human Psychology 101

This book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections, can be purchased through links on http://www.CodeBlueInTheWhiteHouse.com There is also a companion CODE BLUE CHECKLIST you can use to analyze the sales techniques candidates are using in their speeches to you when they are trying to convince you to support them, give them money, or vote for them.  Also found at the same website.

Use this checklist for the presidential debates to focus on which techniques the candidates are using. Repetition, “No”, and B.A.N.K. codes are particularly revealing.

Dr. Jay is available to you company to consult and train in B.A.N.K. Code. He helps your to improve sales and communication with customers and staff. Call him at 510-849-1176 for availability.

TAGS:  Human Psychology 101, Election psychology, Code Blue in the White House, Dr. Jay Sordean, BANK Code, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Republicans, Democrats, presidential debates

NSDJ-46 Getting Votes Telling and Selling – Code Blue in the White House: Chapter 3

Getting Votes Telling and Selling – Code Blue in the White House: Chapter 3

Getting Votes Telling and Selling — that is what candidates and Presidents Presidential do.  This is focus as Dr. Jay Sordean narrates Chapter 3 of his latest bestselling book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.  This chapter focuses on the selling and telling. Sales. Overall, in this book, Dr. Jay discusses the various methods that Presidents and presidential candidates use to sell themselves to the public and their colleagues.  Other politicians use these methods as well.  Actually, everyone, professional or lay-person, may use these methods at one time or another in their own lives, as selling is an intrinCode Blue in the White Housesic part of being a human being.  This chapter focuses on past Presidents and what may have helped them to win.

Dr. Jay has years of experience interacting and communicating with patients, staff, friends, family members, other businesses, and even strangers.  His experience has led him to become a Certified Trainer with BANKCODE to teach live classes on B.A.N.K. Code. Contact him for more information on this at http://www.Four-Cards.com.

Getting Votes Telling and Selling

This book, CODE BLUE in the WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections, can be purchased through links on http://www.CodeBlueInTheWhiteHouse.com There is also a companion CODE BLUE CHECKLIST you can use to analyze the sales techniques that candidates are using in their speeches to you when they are trying to convince you to support them, give them money, or vote for them.  Also found at the same website.

Use this checklist for the presidential debates to focus on which techniques the candidates are using. Repetition, “No”, and B.A.N.K. codes are particularly revealing.

Dr. Jay is available to you company to consult and train in B.A.N.K. Code for improved sales and communication with customers and staff. Call him at 510-849-1176 for availability.

TAGS: Getting Votes Telling and Selling, Code Blue in the White House, Dr. Jay Sordean, BANK Code, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Republicans, Democrats, presidential debates